heard the old saying, "Location, Location, Location,"
right? Of course, everybody has!
forget it, it's a bunch of crap. Unless you have three million
bucks to spend, you'd better be ready to take what you can
get. Shall we elaborate?
A: Lawnmowers. One day, this woman ran her lawnmover during
the entire shoot, just because she didn't like her neighbors,
whose house we were filming at. That patch she's mowing? She
mowed it over and over again for half an hour. She also talked
the landlord into running his green tractor mower in the other
adjacent yard, just to be sure.
B: Jets. We live, and did a lot of our shooting, near
Air Station Oceana.
C: Fire alarms. Twice, during indoor shoots, we inadvertently
tripped fire alarms and had serious explaining to do. On a
third occasion, the fire department was called out by a passing
motorist with a cell phone when we lit a small fire by the
side of a road.
D: Law enforcement. Virtually nothing we did we had permission,
permits, or authorization for. We had cops telling us to move
our cars, asking us "What's going on, here?", telling
us to leave, and, in the picture on the left, one of our own
neighbors called the cops on us when we were shooting
in our driveway.
Time to move on. The
last, magical element you need to make your movie is: